I know, I know. I haven't been the best about keeping this blog updated. I'm trying!
The garbage strike ended on Monday and I spent the better part of the day at City Hall/the Sheraton waiting for the official announcement that the strike was finished. When it appeared that wasn't going to happen until later on that day, I was sent to take some lovely photos of garbage.
The photos of the discarded placards ran on the Globe and Mail's web edition on a few of their stories related to the end of the strike.
The garbage strike ended on Monday and I spent the better part of the day at City Hall/the Sheraton waiting for the official announcement that the strike was finished. When it appeared that wasn't going to happen until later on that day, I was sent to take some lovely photos of garbage.
The photos of the discarded placards ran on the Globe and Mail's web edition on a few of their stories related to the end of the strike.