Tom Petty

I know he's old, but I love Tom Petty. I can't help it.

It's all nostalgia. His album Wildflowers came out when I was in grade 12 and I pretty much listened to it on repeat that entire year of high school.

In 2008 I photographed him while I was working in Winnipeg and it was an incredible concert. He opened with a song from Wildflowers and I remember realizing that I was actually relaxing and enjoying shooting the concert (in 2008, as a recent grad, concerts were stressful for me - such a short period of time to shoot and file). So I was excited to photograph him again, here in Toronto.

Tom looked a little older, even since the last time I saw him, but I thought he sounded great. Shooting the concert made me feel like I was 16 all over again.