When people hear that I'm shooting anything TIFF-related (which I've actually shot very little of, just a few parties for the Globe's Society pages) they get really excited. I could be shooting all sorts of amazing, important stories involving everyday people, but they will still continue to fixate on TIFF.
"Who have you met?"
"Who have you photographed?"
"Who's the most famous person you've shot?"
So for all of you asking, here are a few TIFF shots I did for the Globe's Society pages. Nothing exciting photography-wise, just a ton of on-camera flash for the two seconds you get to photograph people against terrible backgrounds.
For the record, it's not that glamourous. It's not like I got to sit down and knock back drinks with these people. They aren't inviting me to their LA mansions or to hang out with them next Sunday over brunch with their celeb friends. We are not facebook friends or BFFs. To them I'm just another idiot with a camera interrupting their night out.
And yes, that is the Dog Whisperer with Jian Ghomeshi.

"Who have you met?"
"Who have you photographed?"
"Who's the most famous person you've shot?"
So for all of you asking, here are a few TIFF shots I did for the Globe's Society pages. Nothing exciting photography-wise, just a ton of on-camera flash for the two seconds you get to photograph people against terrible backgrounds.
For the record, it's not that glamourous. It's not like I got to sit down and knock back drinks with these people. They aren't inviting me to their LA mansions or to hang out with them next Sunday over brunch with their celeb friends. We are not facebook friends or BFFs. To them I'm just another idiot with a camera interrupting their night out.
And yes, that is the Dog Whisperer with Jian Ghomeshi.