I recently travelled to Hamilton for Maclean's to shoot a story on Jack Layton's lasting legacy and continued impact on this federal election campaign. Layton might be gone but his impact is still clearly felt by NDP supporters across the country.
It was a rainy night, so door-to-door canvassing was canceled but that didn't stop NDP volunteer Pat File from coming out to knock on doors around the neighbourhood to make the case for the NDP, and she says that Layton's memory is what inspires her to keep going. You can read the Maclean's piece here.
It was a rainy night, so door-to-door canvassing was canceled but that didn't stop NDP volunteer Pat File from coming out to knock on doors around the neighbourhood to make the case for the NDP, and she says that Layton's memory is what inspires her to keep going. You can read the Maclean's piece here.